
The lists below show information given for  each serviceman in:

The National Archives:   Prisoner of war lists WO 392/21 and  WO 392/1 series 

                                           Escape & Evasion Reports WO 208 series

                                           British Army Casualty Lists WO 417 series

                                           Treatment of Escaped Prisoners of war in Switzerland  WO 32/9895

INSIM Archive Milan       Fondo Bacciagaluppi  Busta 4 /19 List of prisoners to Switzerland, Busta 4/20 Formulari


The abbreviations used for rank and miitary units can be found at the end of the page

For each serviceman his number is followed by rank,  name and unit. Details are given about his Formulario (number and date) followed by the date of his interview in Switzerland.  


September 1943 

Border crossing  not specified


882029 Gnr Stobbart Thomas W., R.A., no formulario, interviewed Switzerland:  19 09 43

93476101 Flight George, Formulario no. and date: 53/23 09 43, interviewed Switzerland: NF

46009951 Smith Jack, Formulario no. and date: 53/23 09 43, interviewed Switzerland: NF 

788378 Tpr Hiscock W.C., R.T.R., Formulario no. and date: O136/ none, interviewed Switzerland:23 09 43

4455964 Pte. VauxJ., D.L.I., Formulario no. and date: O136/none, interviewed Switzerland: 26 09 43

7887221 Tpr HollowayB., R.T.R, Formulario no. and date: O136/none, interviewed Switzerland: 26 09 43

938327 Gnr Pegg A. , R.H.A., Formulario no. and date:O138/none, interviewed Switzerland: 30 09 43

1Number not valid



Border Crossing:  Starting Point Voldomino


2003205 Spr Kidd L.W., R.E., Formulario no. and date: O137/03 10 43, interviewed Switzerland: 01 10 43

105 Bdr Smit J.P.G., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: None/ 03 10 43, interviewed Switzerland: 03 10 43

5559 Pte Traut H.A., U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: None/03 10 43, interviewed Switzerland: 03 10 43

32089 Pte Tucknott T., U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: None/03 10 43, interviewed Switzerland: 03 10 43

109436 Gnr Walker N W., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: None/03 10 43, interviewed Switzerland:03 10 43

241937 Cpl Morgan J., T.S.,Formulario no. and date: None/03 10 43, interviewed Switzerland:03 10 43

27133 Cpl Holm C.F., T.S., Formulario no. and date: None /03 10 43, interviewed Switzerland:03 10 43

4345558 Pte Bartlett H., E.York., Formulario no. and date: None/03 10 43, interviewed Switzerland:05 10 43

886733 Gnr Edwards G., R.A., Formulario no. and date: None /03 10 43, interviewed Switzerland:05 10 43

8238 Pte Povey William I.G., U.M.R., Formulario no. and date: O140/05 10 43, interviewed Switzerland:20 10 43

1801 Pte Stroebel Alexander, U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: O140705 10 43, interviewed Switzerland:08 10 43

87267 Rev Gordon Peter, R.A.Ch.D., Formulario no. and date: O140/06 10 43, interviewed Switzerland:08 10 43

5340799 Pte Pratt T.J., A.A.C., Formulario no. and date: O140/07 10 43, interviewed Switzerland: 05 10 43

5510917 Pte Peacock Fred W., Hamp., Formulario no. and date: O140/07 10 43, interviewed Switzerland:08 10 43

179613 Maj Carr C.V., R.E., Formulario no. and date: O142/13 10 43, interviewed Switzerland:13 10 43

63268 Maj Russell R.D., R.A., Formulario no. and date: None/13 10 43, interviewed Switzerland:13 10 43

7909693 Tpr Brady M., R.T.R., Formulario no. and date: None/13 10 43, interviewed Switzerland:13 10 43

5952965 Pte Pennyfather A.J., A.A.C., Formulario no. and date: None/13 10 43, interviewed Switzerland:13 10 43

2041554 Pte Morton J., A.A.C., Formulario no. and date: None 75 10 43, interviewed Switzerland:15 10 43

2991 672 L/Cpl Reid J.G., E.Surr., Formulario no. and date: None/15 10 43, interviewed Switzerland:16 10 43

T/165126 Dvr Smitherman G.H., R.A.S.C., Formulario no. and date: O136/17 10 43, interviewed Switzerland:06 11 43

T/164744 Dvr Boulter V., R.A.S.C., Formulario no. and date: O136/17 10 43, interviewed Switzerland:17 10 43

1449810 Gnr Jones G.J.K., R.A., Formulario no. and date: O137/None, interviewed Switzerland:18 10 43

5503690 Pte Jenkins K.Charles O., Hamp. , Formulario no. and date: O135/19 10 43, interviewed Switzerland:18 10 43

5506882 Pte Jenvey Frederick W., Hamp., Formulario no. and date: O135/19 10 43, interviewed Switzerland:20 10 43

1431565 Pte Donoghue W.H., Hamp., Formulario no. and date: O135/19 10 43, interviewed Switzerland:19 10 43

1678785 Gnr Holvey K.G.,R.A., Formulario no. and date: O135/19 10 43, interviewed Switzerland: 19 10 43

5506193 Pte Jeffery J.V., Hamp., Formulario no. and date: O135/19 10 43, interviewed Switzerland:21 10 43

958853 Gnr Bradbrooke D.G., R.A., Formulario no. and date: None/19 10 43, interviewed Switzerland:19 10 43

1100650 Dvr Kelly A.D.,R.A., Formulario no. and date: None/19 10 43, interviewed Switzerland:19 10 43

5728158 Pte Maddison F., A.A.C., Formulario no. and date: None/19 10 43, interviewed Switzerland:18 10 43

880581 Pte Maher W.,A.A.C., Formulario no. and date: None/19 10 43, interviewed Switzerland:19 10 43

1678811 Gnr King A.G., R.A., Formulario no. and date: None/19 10 43, interviewed Switzerland:19 10 43

1831203 Pte Kirk H., R.A., Formulario no. and date: None/19 10 43, interviewed Switzerland:19 10 43

5503699 Pte Lawrence Harold J.,Hamp., Formulario no. and date: O139/20 10 43, interviewed Switzerland:20 10 43

73210 Gnr Wetherell Len, S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: O139/20 10 43, interviewed Switzerland:20 10 43

11005 Pte Wright Neville C., U.M.R., Formulario no. and date: O139/ 20 10 43, interviewed Switzerland: 22 10 43

72908 Gnr Tustin Geoffrey G., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: O139/ 20 10 43, interviewed Switzerland: 28 10 43

1678810 Bdr Knott D.D.P., R.A., Formulario no. and date: O141/ 20 10 43, interviewed Switzerland: 20 10 43

5495551 Pte Moncur E.S., Hamp., Formulario no. and date: O141/ 20 10 43, interviewed Switzerland: 27 10 43

18455 Pte Burt Albert W., U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: None/ 27 10 43, interviewed Switzerland: 27 10 43

2073344 Spr Huggan William, R.E., Formulario no. and date: O111/ 27 10 43, interviewed Switzerland: 27 10 43

104337 Gnr Hurford Theo. G., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: O112/ 27 10 43, interviewed Switzerland: 27 10 43

876044 Gnr Perrin William E., R.H.A., Formulario no. and date: O113/ 27 10 43, interviewed Switzerland: 27 10 43

7901430 Tpr Young Leslie J., R.T.R., Formulario no. and date: O150/ 27 10 43, interviewed Switzerland: 27 10 43

109212 Gnr Hayward Denis ,R.A., Formulario no. and date: O184/ 27 10 43, interviewed Switzerland: 27 10 43

T/261840 Dvr Lambert Jack, R.A.S.C., Formulario no. and date: O185/ 27 10 43, interviewed Switzerland: 27 10 43

18517 Cpl De Bruin, U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: O186/ 27 10 43, interviewed Switzerland: 17 10 431

2930901 Pte Mackintosh Paul,  Cam. H., Formulario no. and date: O187 27 10 43, interviewed Switzerland: 27 10 43

7901308 Tpr Beckerman Harry, R.A.C., Formulario no. and date: O88/ 28 10 43, interviewed Switzerland: 29 10 43

7908375 Tpr Dunn Stanley, R.T.R., Formulario no. and date: 100/ 28 10 43, interviewed Switzerland: 01 11 43

2044675 Pte Lawson Joseph, K.O.R.R., Formulario no. and date: O170/ 28 10 43, interviewed Switzerland: 29 09 432

5350835 Pte Hardy Benjamin, E.Surr., Formulario no. and date: O171/ 28 10 43, interviewed Switzerland: 26 10 433

5505750 Pte Daysh Claude, Hamp., Formulario no. and date: O172/ 28 10 43, interviewed Switzerland: 28 10 43

1075858 Gnr Stanion Henry, R.A., Formulario no. and date: O173/ 28 10 43, interviewed Switzerland: 29 10 43

T/165005 Dvr Drabwell Edward, C. R.A.S.C., Formulario no. and date: O174/ 28 10 43, interviewed Switzerland: 20 10 434

189345 Cpl Lawrence Arthur, S.A.T.S., Formulario no. and date: O176/ 30 10 43, interviewed Switzerland: 31 10 43

28249 Pte Foster Derrick, U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: O177/ 30 10 43, interviewed Switzerland: 31 10 43

28184 Pte De Reuck Victor, U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: O178/ 30 10 43, interviewed Switzerland: 31 10 43

907985 Dvr/Gnr Alderson Leo., R.A., Formulario no. and date: O87/ 30 10 43, interviewed Switzerland: 30 10 43

4457403 Pte Davison Albert, D.L.I., Formulario no. and date: O41/ 30 10 43, interviewed Switzerland: 30 10 43

72617 Dvr Mellor William B., S.A.F.Amb., Formulario no. and date: O114/ 30 10 43, interviewed Switzerland: 31 10 43

4392094 L/Cpl Morgan Stanley, Gn.How., Formulario no. and date: O124/ 30 10 43, interviewed Switzerland: 31 10 43

14204306 Pte Lidbury George K., Hamp., Formulario no. and date: O125/ 30 10 43, interviewed Switzerland: 31 10 43

1548154 Gnr Chisnell Jack, R.A., Formulario no. and date: O126/ 30 10 43, interviewed Switzerland: 30 10 43

4467787 Pte Fenlon James, D.L.I., Formulario no. and date: O127/ 30 10 43, interviewed Switzerland: 02 11 43


1Transcription error.

2Transcription error.

3Transcription error.

4Transcription error.


Border Crossing not specified


1566870 Gnr Snoddon William, R.A., Formulario no. and date: O102/ 01 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 02 11 43

7594225 Pte Sykes William, R.A.O.C., Formulario no. and date: O104/ 01 11 44, interviewed Switzerland: 02 11 43

1566874 Gnr Tomlinson Albert T., R.A., Formulario no. and date: O103/ 02 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 02 11 43

1102240 Dvr Winstanley Frank W.E., R.A., Formulario no. and date: O110/ 02 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 01 11 43

6969240 L/Cpl Shirley Thomas A.C., R.Bde., Formulario no. and date: O116 /02 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 02 11 43

1532347 Gnr Jackson Arthur G., R.A., Formulario no. and date: O117/ 02 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 02 11 43

1105887 Gnr Littler Peter, R.A., Formulario no. and date: B113/ 11 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 11 11 43

2573487 Cpl Robinson William, R.C.S., Formulario no. and date: B119/ 11 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 11 11 43

11144 Lt Phillips A. L., R.C.S., Formulario no. and date: B120/ 11 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 11 11 43

2937047 Pte Watson Henry G., Cam. H., Formulario no. and date: B1218/ 12 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 12 11 43

6969231 Cpl Perkins Robert, R.Bde., Formulario no. and date: B1217/ 13 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 13 11 43

7910326 Tpr Sunderland Jack, R.T.R., Formulario no. and date: B1220/ 12 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 13 11 43

1555827 L/Bdr Taylor Stanley E., R.A., Formulario no. and date: B1228/ 12 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 13 11 43

3957424 Cpl Paterson Alexander E., S.Staffs., Formulario no. and date: B1229/ 13 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 13 11 43

15591 Cpl Hammond David J., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B4522,/14 11 43 , interviewed Switzerland:14 11 42 

2568896 Pte Hewitt T., Cam.H., Formulario no. and date: 82/ none, interviewed Switzerland: 15 11 43

4807661 Tpr Condron Edward C., R.T.R., Formulario no. and date: B1247/ 15/17 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 17 11 43

1482642 Gnr Hopcroft Stanley, R.A., Formulario no. and date: B1248/ 15/17 02 43, interviewed Switzerland:17 11 43

1432267 Bdr Sizer Ernest W., R.A., Formulario no. and date: B1251/ 15/16 11 43, interviewed Switzerland:17 11 43

1574305 Pte Sadd Peter, R.A.O.C., Formulario no. and date: B1253/ 15/17 11 43 , interviewed Switzerland:17 11 43

NX9024 Dvr Wilson Frederick, A.S.C., Formulario no. and date: O121/ 15 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 16 11 43

21879 Spr Fix Abe, S.A.E.C., Formulario no. and date: O106/16 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 16 11 43

241358 Pte Eldridge Stanley R., U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: O107/16 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 16 11 43

123860 Bdr Calvert Eustace M., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: O108/16 11 43,interviewed Switzerland: 16 11 43

192176 Spr Rhind Colin A., S.A.E.C., Formulario no. and date: O109/ 16 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 16 11 43

25911183 Cpl Tudor George, R.C.S., Formulario no. and date: B1239/ 16 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 19 11 43

7890052 Tpr Thomas Leonard L., R.T.R., Formulario no. and date: B1243/ 16 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 19 11 43

789398 Gnr Troughear Isaac, R.A., Formulario no. and date: B1246/ 17 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 17 11 43

838068 L/Bdr Rogers Victor A., R.H.A., Formulario no. and date: B27/ 21 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 20 11 43

1098849 Gnr Scott Douglas H., R.A., Formulario no. and date: B103/ 21 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 21 11 43

2903109 Pte Stead Alfred, Cam. H., Formulario no. and date: B129/ 22 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 25 11 43

T/191370 Dvr Deakin Alfred George, R.A.S.C., Formulario no. and date: B1255/ 25 11 43 No date given

1884 Pte  Arderne Arthur E., R.D.L.I., Formulario no. and date: B1256/ 25 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 26 11 43

89687 L/Bdr Woodley Malcolm E.S., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B1257/ 25 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 26 11 43

2752 Spr Bullough Arthur S.A.E., Formulario no. and date: B1258/25 11 43,  interviewed Switzerland 26 11 43

1102234 Gnr Wilder George S., R.A., Formulario no. and date: B1259/ 25 11 43, interviewed  Switzerland 26 11 43

951052 Dvr Palmer Albert,  R.H.A.,  Formulario no. and date: B1260/ 25 11 43, interviewed  Switzerland 27 11 43

7630295 Pte Sirett Frederick A.,  R.O.A.C. Formulario no. and date: B1261/25 11 43, interviewed Switzerland 26 11 43

7880202 Tpr Williams Leonard F. R.T.R. Formulario no. and date: B1262/25 11 43,  interviewed  Switzerland 26 11 43

6016256 Pte Poulter Gordon Essex Formulario no. and date:  B1263/ 25 11 43, interviewed Switzerland 26 11 43

1477901 L/ Cpl Livingstone John J., R.A. Formulario no. and date: B1265/25 11 43,  interviewed  Switzerland 26 11 43

1710062 Gnr McCurdy, Ronald E., R.A., Formulario no. and date: B1266/ 25 11 53; onterviewed  Switzerland 26 11 43

86343 Maj Rose William, R.A.S.C., Formulario no. and date: B125/ 26 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 26 11 43

22504 Maj Seely Victor B. J., R.A.C., Formulario no. and date: B127/ 26 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 01 12 43

4755467 Pte Pember Leonard A., Gn.How., Formulario no. and date: B55/ 26 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 27 11 43

90535 Sig Turner Albert R., S.A.C.S., Formulario no. and date: B134/ 26 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 27 11 43

3657134 Pte Smith Walter, H.L.I., Formulario no. and date: B1238/ 26 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 29 11 43

7906755 Tpr Vincent Ernest F., R.A.C., Formulario no. and date: B1272/ 27 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 31 11 43

7909806 Tpr Shearsmith George J. , R.T.R., Formulario no. and date: B1275/ 27 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 29 11 43

1460175 L/Bdr Spencer Edward K., R.A., Formulario no. and date: B1277/ 27 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 29 11 43

6969422 Rfn Linay Frederick C., Rifle Bde., Formulario no. and date: B1279/ 26 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 29 11 43

4465468 Pte Swan Henry, D.L.I., Formulario no. and date: B1282/ 26 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 29 11 43

4392351 Pte Payne A., Gn.How., Formulario no. and date: B1284/ 27 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 29 11 43


Arrival in Canton Ticino via Bogno - Certara


/275217T Dvr Johnson Leonard, R.A.S.C., Formulario no. and date: B225, 25 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 29 11 43

9408 L/Cpl Eastlick John P. U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: B48/ 25 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 26 11 43

15038 L/Bdr Hill Vernon A., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B49/ 25 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 29 11 43

21882 Spr Grobler Martinus, S.A.E., Formulario no. and date: B50/25 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 28 11 43

NZ7121 Maj Orr Robert S., 2 NZEF, Formulario no. and date: B51/ 26 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 28 11 43

6285559 Cpl Turner A. J., Buffs, Formulario no. and date: B53/ 26 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 28 11 43

4123978 Pte Boyd Stanley, Ches., Formulario no. anddate:  B/54, 26 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 28 11 43

209112 Spr Statham John, R.E., Formulario no. and date: B56/ 26 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 29 11 43

5494917 L/Cpl Barnes Arthur, Hamp., Formulario no. and date: B795/30 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 29 11 43

45836 Gnr Coetzee Gideon, S.A.A., Formulario no. and date:B121/30 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 08 12 43

89051 Maj Behrens H.C.B., R.A.C., Formulario no. and date:B135/ 30 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 01 12  43

P/53581 Maj Archer-Shee Robert A., R.A.C., Formulario no. and date:B136/30 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 01 12  43

52174 Maj Bleakley Edward O., R.C.S., Formulario no. and date:  B137/30 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 30 11 43

5506032 Pte Borrer Henry, Hamp., Formulario no. and date: B1020/30 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 30 11 43

2934824 Pte Lynskey Thomas, A.A.C., Formulario no. and date:B10233/0 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 30 11 43

292738 Pte Branwhite Charles, A.A.C., Formulario no. and date: B1024/30 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 30 11 43

4038867 Pte Loines Frederick, 1 Comm., Formulario date: B1026/30 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 30 11 43

17373 Cpl Godwin Leslie L. A., S.A.C.S., Formulario no. and date: B1278/ 30 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 08 12 43

4039208 Pte Latham Chas. W.A., K.S.L.I. 1, Formulario  no. and date: B5201/30 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 30 11 43

5247784 L/Cpl Mills John J.F., For'ters, Formulario  no. and date: B5202/30 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 01 12  43

6210301 Pte Hastie Thomas, A.A.C., Formulario  no. and date:  B5203/30 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 30 11 43

7016069 Cpl Nash John Charles, L.I.R., Formulario no. and date: B5204/30 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 30 11 43

1110005 Gnr Brown Henry T., R.A., Formulario no. and date: B190/30 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 08 12 43

9611 Gnr Cadle Redvers, S.A.A., Formulario  no. and date: B193/30 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 08 12 43

22868 Gnr Gelderblom Feltus, S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B195/30 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 10 12 43

778704 L/Cpl Dredge Albert, Hamp., Formulario no. and date: B218730 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 30 11 43

4980273 Pte Lawson Eric, For'ters, Formulario no. and date: B224/30 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 30 11 43

4272699 Tpr Fidler William H., N'd F., Formulario no. and date: B226/30 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 30 11 43

T/70369 Dvr Adams George T., R.A.S.C., Formulario no. and date: B227/30 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 02 12 43

6138162 L/Cpl Dennis Frank, E.Surr., Formulario date: B230/30 11 43, interviewed Switzerland: 30 11 43

1Also 1 Commandos


Border Crossing: Starting Point Voldomino


6403595 Pte Milsom Reginald, R.Suss., Formulario no. and date: B1291/ 01 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 01 12 43

1610003 Gnr Greenwood T.H. R.A., Formulario no. and date: B1296/ 01 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 01 12 43

1529644 Gnr Byne Ralph E.V. R.A. , Formulario no. and date: B1299/ 01 12 43, interviewed Switzerland:

237550 Sig Smit Dirk J.E. S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B151/ 01 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 01 12 43

7915047 Tpr Blackley George K. R.T.R., Formulario no. and date: 40/ 02 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 02 12 43

4979771 Pte Arlott George For'sters, Formulario no. and date: 53/ 02 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 02 12 43

988297 Pte Burns Frank M. R.A.O.C., Formulario no. and date: 53/ 02 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 02 12 43

1810981 Gnr Heather Stuart R.A., Formulario no. and date: 53/ 02 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 02 12 43

NX29995 Gnr Gibson Claude A. R.A.A., Formulario no. and date: O143/O131/053/ 02 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 02 12 43

4127073 Pte Green William Ches., Formulario no. and date: 53/ 02 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 02 12 43

After the arrest on 3 December of the ' Service agent', parish priest don Pietro Folli, this route was abandoned


Arrival in Canton Ticino via Bogno-Certara


197006 Cpl Puth Thomas, S.A.P., Formulario no. and date: B154/ 12 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 03 12 43

107446 Gnr Pitzchlitz Ed.J. R., D.E.O.R., Formulario no. and date:  B155/ 03 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 03 12 43

89612 L/Cpl Armitage Harold G., T.S.C., Formulario no. and date: B156/ 12 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 04 12 43

9830 Gnr Allan Bertram I. S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B157/03 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 04 12 43

P6012 Cpl Hill Ivan J., T.S.C., Formulario no. and date: B158/04 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 05 12 43

227006 Pte Willatt Raymond H., T.S.C., Formulario no. and date: B159/ 12 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 03 12 43

186814 Cpl Fouché John , 'Q' Services, Formulario no. and date: B160/ 12 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 03 12 43

5503562 Pte Hunt Robert J. Hamp., Formulario no. and date: B232/ 3-4 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 05 12 43

1137045 Gnr Griffiths Leonard S., R.A., Formulario no. and date: B61/03 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 05 12 43

2040041 Dvr Logan Robert, R.E., Formulario no. and date: B62/03 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 05 12 43

1784450 Tpr Schroeder William E. S.A.T.C., Formulario no. and date: B63/ 03 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 05 12 43

225650 Tpr Henstock Richard , U.M.R., Formulario no. and date: B64/03 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 05 12 43

104899 Gnr Pearce Dudley, S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B65/ 03 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 05 12 43

178617 Tpr Woods James, S.A.T.C., Formulario no. and date: B66/ 03 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 10 12 43

23163 Pte Black Henry, T.S., Formulario no. and date: B67/03 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 05 12 43

21525 Gnr Shevel Zalmen S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B68/ 03 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 05 12 43

5573 Cpl. Haw Richard, U.M.R., formulario no. and date: B69/ 03 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 05 12 43

1657 Pte Haw Norman D., U.M.R., Formulario no. and  date: B70/03 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 05 12 43

3655817 Pte Rowell Frank J., H.L.I., Formulario no. and date: B71/ 03 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 05 12 43

1827571 Gnr Gover Gordon C., R.A., Formulario no. and date: B72/03 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 05 12 43

111633 Pte Simonhoff Barend L. , C.T.H., Formulario no. and date: B73/ 03 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 05 12 43

5415 Pte Mocke Eric, U.M.R., Formulario no. and date: B74/03 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 05 12 43

240998 Dvr Brown John R.A.S.C., Formulario no. and date: B102/10 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 10 12 43

6403419 Pte Baker Frederick J., R.Suss., Formulario no. and date: B10410 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 11 12 43

914689 Gnr Nuttall Charles H., R.A., Formulario no. and date: B105/ 10 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 10 12 43

36161 Sq/L Smith Robert Higson, R.A.F., Formulario no. and date: B196/10 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 10 12 43

56594 Maj Trench George S.C., R.A., Formulario no. and date: B197/10 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 10 12 43

393615 Tpr Roberts Edward, R.A.C., Formulario no. and date: B198/ 10 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 10 12 43

10354 Col Fanshawe George H. R.A.C., Formulario no. and date: 1B199/0 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 10 12 43

820172 Gnr Roberts Thomas G., R.A., Formulario no. and date: B200/ 10 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 10 12 43

33420 Pte Ryder Harold, R.L.I., Formulario no. and date: B1408/ 07 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 08 12 43

19806 Pte V.Noordwyk A.J. H.J., S.A.P., Formulario no.  and  date: B1418/ 11 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 12 12 43

5547 Pte Du Toit Ferdinand, U.M.R., Formulario no. and date: B1419/ 11 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 11 12 43

22399 L/Cpl Meintjes Johannes P., S.A.C.S, Formulario no. and date:. O152/ 14 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 14 12 43

2928829 Pte Bryce James M., Cam H., Formulario no. and date: O165/ 14 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 14 12 43

2935652 Pte Beech George, Cam.H., Formulario no. and date: O166/ 14 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 14 12 43

96984 A/Sgt. Budd Desmond N. S. , S.A.A.F., Formulario no. and date: O167/ 14 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 14 12 43

194836 Dvr Mansell Benjamin T. , R.A.S.C., Formulario no. and date: O169/ 14 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 14 12 43

2659012 Gdsm Shakespeare Charles J,. C.G., Formulario no. and date: O35/ 14 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 14 12 43


Border Crossing  not specified


5441921 Pte Gicquel Raymond, Hamp., Formulario no. and date: 1295/ 01 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 01 12 43

226755 Pte Van Rensberg Conrad J., U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: B814/ 01 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 01 12 43

15214 Cpl Steyn Paul J., S.A.T.C., Formulario no. and date: B143/ 01 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 01 12 43

4122464 Pte Ray Alfred, Ches., Formulario no. and date: B1402/ 03 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 12 12 43

551920 Tpr Laycock Wilfred A., R.A.C., Formulario no. and date: B183/ 05 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 04 12 43

6983027 Fus Green Frederick A., Innis.F., Formulario no. and date: B185/ 04 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 04 12 43

1653760 Bdr Hall Joseph W., R.A., Formulario no. and date: B175/ 04 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 04 12 43

7897437 Tpr Sims Maurice T., R.A.C., Formulario no. and date: B171/ 3-4 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 04 12 43

6919892 Rfn Thomas David J., R.Bde., Formulario no. and date: B172/ 3-4 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 05 12 43

1082161 Gnr Hall James S., R.A., Formulario no. and date: O187/ 04 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 05 12 43

T/107764 Dvr Cookson Christopher R., R.A.S.C., Formulario no. and date: O83/ 05 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 04 12 43

890158 Sgt Teasdale Robert, R.A., Formulario no. and date: O84 /05 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 08 12 43

959835 Gnr Rogerson William, R.A., Formulario no. and date: B475/ NF, interviewed Switzerland: 06 12 43

226786 Pte Vertue Horatio S., T.S.C., Formulario no. and date: B1411/ 07 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 07 12 43

33643 Pte Cillers Petrus B., U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: B1415/ 11 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 11 12 43

196612 Pte Nel Jakobus P., S.A.P., Formulario no. and date: B1416/ 11 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 11 12 43

214289 Tpr Du Rand Jan J., A.C.R., Formulario no. and date: B1417/ 11 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 11 12 43

5547 Pte Du Toit Ferdinand S. , U.M.R., Formulario no. and date: B1419/ 11 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 11 12 43

6845618 Rfn Davies William, K.R.R.C., Formulario no. and date: B1420/ 11 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 12 12 43

2695843 Gdsm Browne Charles, S.G., Formulario no. and date: B1421/ 11 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 10 12 43

90434 Cpl Palmer Frederick W. N., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B1423/ 11 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 11 12 43

7901302 Tpr Farrier Edward W., R.T.R., Formulario no. and date: O123/ 11 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 11 12 43

1086472 Gnr Bouch James, R.H.A., Formulario no. and date: O145/ 11 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 12 12 43

6290293 Pte Hatcher John H., Buffs, Formulario no. and date: O146/ 11 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 10 12 43

319781 Cpl Edwards Frederick W., R.A.C., Formulario no. and date: O147/ 11 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 10 12 43

72798 Bdr Cooper-Chadwick Ralph E., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B1289/ 11 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 12 12 43

72751 Gnr Coustas Kenneth S., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B1290/ 11 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 12 12 43

7887041 L/Cpl Payne Walter, R.T.R., Formulario no. and date: O105/ 16 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 16 12 43

21879 Spr Fix Abe (Abraham), S.A.E.C., Formulario no. and date: O106/ 16 12 43, interviewed Switzerland:16 12 43

31291000 Gnr Phillips David, R.A., Formulario no. and date: 071/O128/ 16 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 21 12 43

T/165129 Dvr Swinnerton Charles W.T., R.A.S.C., Formulario no. and date: O129/ 16 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 20 12 43

S/125097 Cpl Snudden Frederick, R.A.S.C., Formulario no. and date: O148/ 16 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 16 12 43

4948 Dvr Brown William E., A.I.F., Formulario no. and date: O71/O154/ 16 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 16 12 43

VX34859 Pte Doran Arthur, A.I.F., Formulario no. and date: O155/ 16 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 16 12 43

2196695 Spr Hall George F., R.E., Formulario no. and date: O71/O157 16 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 16 12 43

4749407 Pte Britton Alfred D., Gn. How., Formulario no. and date: O194 /16 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 18 12 43

89709 Gnr Dix Arthur E., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: O195/ 16 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 18 12 43

109419 Gnr Suttner Adolph, S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: O197/ 16 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 18 12 43

109107 Gnr Tate George S., S.A.A., Formulario no. 081(1)/ no date : interviewed Switzerland: 18 12 43

109027 Gnr Morris Geoffrey, S.A.A., Formulario no.  081(2)/ no date: interviewed Switzerland: 18 12 43

78912 Pte Wilson Matthew, T.S., Formulario no.  081(3)/no date: interviewed Switzerland: 18 12 43

9754 Sig. Eva Milton G., S.A.C.S., Formulario no. 081 (4) /no date: , interviewed Switzerland: 20 12 43

3908202 Pte Clarke J.W.W., S.W.B., Formulario no.  82 /no date:, interviewed Switzerland: 21 12 43

975866 Gnr Smith George T., R.A., Formulario no. and date: O47/ 22 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 24 12 43

988408 L/Bdr Bolsom David, R.A., Formulario no. and date: O48/ 22 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 23 12 43

4188769 Pte Norman James, Ches., Formulario no. and date: O49/ 22 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 23 12 43

160651 Lt Collis William L., R.A., Formulario no. and date: O50/ 22 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 23 12 43

85532 Capt Woods Tom P.S., R.A., Formulario no. and date: O51/ 24 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 23 12 43

150118 Tpr Horne Jacobus, U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: B4502/ 27 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 28 12 43

114476 Bdr Hagan Dudley J., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B4503/ 27 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 28 12 43

115063 Rfn Willows Kenneth S., Kaff. R., Formulario no. and date: B4504/ 27 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 28 12 43

109011 Gnr Maunder Eric J., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B4505/ 27 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 28 12 43

38285 Sig McNaughton Alan, S.A.C.S., Formulario no. and date: B4506/ 27 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 28 12 43

13868 Gnr Burgher Shalk, S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B4507/ 27 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 28 12 43

108983 Gnr Kingsma Hamilton R., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B4509/ 27 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 28 12 43

213776 Tpr Arnott Arthur E., U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: B4511/ 27 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 28 12 43

20171 Gnr Vosloo Johannes P., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B4513/ 27 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 28 11 43

36505 Cpl Bands Leonard G., Recce Corps, Formulario no. and date: B4514/ 27 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 29 12 43

32953 Cpl Suttie Albert Mc., U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: B4515/ 27 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 30 12 43

75970 Cpl Sim Robert W., S.A.P., Formulario no. and date: B4516/ 27 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 28 12 43

111254 Bdr Rowe Charles B., S.A.A., Formulario no.: O77(4)/ no date, interviewed Switzerland: 01 01 44

109066 Bdr Robbins Renee', S.A.A., Formulario no.: O77(5)/ no date,  interviewed Switzerland: 29 12 43

CY226 Dvr Nicolaides Costas , R.A.S.C., Formulario no.: B1924 /no date, interviewed Switzerland: 30 12 43

2695996 L/Cpl Newitt John, S.G., Formulario no. and date: B440 /31 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 31 12 43

T/233758 Dvr Page J. Stanley, R.A.S.C., Formulario no. and date: B4402/31 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 31 12 43

863534 Gnr Peterkin James, R.A., Formulario no. and date: B4403/ 31 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 31 12 43

1112558 Gnr Sutherland Ralph, R.H.A., Formulario no. and date: B4404/ 31 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 01 01 44

474691 Pte Tate Charles, Gn.How., Formulario no. and date: B4405/ 31 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 31 12 43

861397 Gnr Slessor Arthur, R.A., Formulario no. and date: B4406/ 31 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 31 12 43

941174 Gnr Turner Ben T., R.H.A., Formulario no. and date: B4407/ 31 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 31 12 43

143828 Gnr Smit L.J. , S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: 076/ 31 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 31 12 43




Border Crossing not specified


21910 Cpl Swift William Henry, S.A.E.C., Formulario no. and date: A106/ 04 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 04 01 44

235706 L/Cpl De Stadler Joseph W., S.A.C.S., Formulario no. and date: A107/ 04 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 04 01 44

326831 A/Cpl Statham E. F., S.A.A.F., Formulario no. and date: A109/ 04 01 44, interviewed Switzerland:,01 01 44

22470 Sig Helfrich Cyril D., S.A.C.S., Formulario no. and date: A110/ 04 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 3/4 01 44

251643 Sig Jones Ralph W., S.A.C.S., Formulario no. and date: A111/ 04 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 04 01 44

21992 Sig Doyle Ronald L., S.A.C.S., Formulario no. and date: A112/ 04 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 04 01 44

2338543 Pte Warren Derek, R.A.O.C., Formulario no. and date: 03/ None, interviewed Switzerland: 05 01 44

53300 Bdr Tuck George F.M., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: 046/ None, interviewed Switzerland: 05 01 44

5510692 Pte Ransley Charles B., Hamp., Formulario no. and date: B4408/ 05 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 05 01 44

5506948 Pte Rabbitt William P., Hamp., Formulario no. and date: B4409/ 05 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 03 01 44

6100278 Gnr Read Wilfred J., R.A., Formulario no. and date: B4411/ 05 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 05 01 44

4035419 Pte Rawlings Edward, K.S.L.I., Formulario no. and date: B4412/ 05 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 05 01 44

WX5933 Pte Le Fevre Douglas, A.I.F., Formulario no. and date: B4413/ 05 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 05 01 44

4395835 Pte Forrestill Joseph G.W., Gn.How., Formulario no. and date: B4414/ 05 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 12 01 44

2578825 Sgm Cross Montague A.C., R.C.S., Formulario no. and date: B4415/ 05 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 05 01 44

WX6366 A/Cpl Rea George C., A.I.F., Formulario no. and date: B4416/ 05 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 05 01 44

WX 10009 Pte Dodd John, A.I.F., Formulario no. and date: B4417/ 05 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 05 01 44

WX14583 Pte Terrell Norman, A.I.F., Formulario no. and date: B4418/ 05 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 05 01 44

4758418 Pte Miller Roland, For'sters, Formulario no. and date: B4419/ 05 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 06 01 44

6825743 Pte Fenney Austin, Buffs, Formulario no. and date: B4420/ 05 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 05 01 44

2695385 Gdsmn Postlethwaite Frederick, S.G. Formulario no. and date: B4421/ 05 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 05 01 44

6399082 Tpr Jowett John B., R.T.R., Formulario no. and date: A113/ 06 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 06 01 44

6139859 Pte Lewis Ernest J., E.Surr. , Formulario no. and date: A114/ 06 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 09 01 44

5496825 Cpl Ewens John C., Hamp., Formulario no. and date: A115/ 06 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 07 01 43

88849 Pte Geary Andrew C., U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: O2/ 06 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 07 01 44

287769 Sig Walters Arthur J., S.A.C.S., Formulario no. and date: O162/ 06 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 07 01 44

34018 Cpl Coleman Desmond E., S.A.C.S., Formulario no. and date: O163/ 06 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 06 01 44

34428 Dvr Brooks G.W., S.A.I.R., Formulario no. and date: O164/ 06 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 07 01 44

142062 Spr Webb Jack A., S.A.E.C., Formulario no. and date: O65/ 16 01 44, interviewed Switzerland:107 01 44

NZ39772 Cpl Katae Henry, 2 N.Z.E.F., Formulario no. and date: B4529/ 06 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 07 01 44

195556 Pte Van Noordwyk H.H.J. , U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: B4530/ 06 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 07 01 44

75102 Pte Lindenberg John, D.E.O.R., Formulario no. and date: B4531/ 06 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 07 01 44

1644 L/Cpl Higgins Leslie R. A. , U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: B4532/ 06 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 07 01 44

196151 Pte V. Rheede V.Oudshoorn W.P., S.A.P., Formulario no. and date: B4533/ 06 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 07 01 44

112907 Rfn Dauberman Derek J. , Kaff. R., Formulario no. and date: B4534/ 06 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 09 01 44

75311 Gnr Maggott Arthur W., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B4535/ 06 01 44, interviewed Switzerland:,07 01 44

19624 Gnr Wilson John T., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B4536/ 06 01 44, interviewed Switzerland:07 01 44

936378 L/Bdr Fick Charles V., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B4537/ 06 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 08 01 44

60238 Bdr Simpson E. Cyril G., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B4538/ 06 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 08 01 44

112952 Rfn Kockjeu Melvin E., Kaff. R., Formulario no. and date: B4539/ 06 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 07 01 44,

1654 Pte Hopkins Dennis, U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: B4540/ 06 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 07 01 44

1142906 Gnr Aves Cecil H., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B4541/ 06 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 09 01 44

12779 Cpl Cusdin Allan P., 2 N.Z.E.F., Formulario no. and date: B4542/ 06 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 07 01 44

1780 Spr Scarlett Clifford J. S., S.A.E.C., Formulario no. and date: B4543/ 06 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 09 01 44

196460 Pte Acton Dennis, S.A.P., Formulario no. and date: B4544/ 06 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 08 02 432

CY63 Dvr Charalambous Athanasios , R.A.S.C., Formulario no. and date: B1643/None, interviewed Switzerland: 07 01 44

2931647 Cpl Backhouse Charles, S.A.S., Formulario no. and date: 36/ None, interviewed Switzerland: 10 01 44

92952 Gnr Becker Albert S., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B704/ 10 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 09 01 44

10624 Pte Barnes William J. A., U.M.R., Formulario no. and date: B705/ 08 01 44, interviewed Switzerland:10 01 44

9040 Rfn Blostock George S., U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: B706/ 10 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 10 01 44

105785 Gnr Baker Walter, S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B707/ 10 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 10 01 44

108223 Gnr Turner Harold P., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B708/ 10 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 10 01 44

75802 Rfn Benade Theunis J., U.M.R., Formulario no. and date: B709/ 10 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 10 01 44

6913002 Rfn Simmonds Alfred J., R.Bde., Formulario no. and date: O54/ 10 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 09 01 44

867185 Gnr Sherwood Herbert J., R.A., Formulario no. and date: O56/ 10 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 10 01 44

945875 Gnr Richards Colin N., R.A., Formulario no. and date: O57/ 10 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 10 01 44

4974982 Pte Bell Richard, For'sters, Formulario no. and date: O58/ 10 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 10 01 44

179742 Lt Lewis David C.G., Buffs, Formulario no. and date: B1601/ 10 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 18 01 44

106100 Pte Burger Andries G., D.L.I., Formulario no. and date: B4562/ 12 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 13 01 44

177570 Capt Warr Kenneth R., S.A.M.C., Formulario no. and date: A211/ 13 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 13 01 44

7884590 Sgt Hind Henry, R.T.R., Formulario no. and date: 151/ 13 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 13 01 44

198225 Pte Kotze Frederick J. A., S.A.P., Formulario no. and date: B4549/ 13 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 13 01 44

112941 Pte Hartley Thomas, K.R., Formulario no. and date: B4550/ 13 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 13 01 44

196243 Pte Van Tonder Zacharias J.H., S.A.P., Formulario no. and date: B4551/ 13 01 44, interviewed Switzerland:13 01 44

195895 Pte Stegmann H. George, S.A.P., Formulario no. and date: B4552/ 13 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 13 01 44

195566 Pte De Wet Roderick C., U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: B4554/ 13 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 13 01 44

9320 L/Cpl Opperman Dirk J.J., U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: B4555/ 14 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 15 01 44

195544 Pte Agenbach J.F., S.A.P., Formulario no. and date: B4556/ 14 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 15 01 44

89721 Gnr Clover Derrick G., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B4559/ 14 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 15 01 44

198104 Cpl Keller Josephus J., S.A.P., Formulario no. and date: B4560/ 14 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 11 01 44

227116 Pte Botes Johan P., U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: B4561/ 14 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 15 01 44

842684 Gnr Ewart Hugh, R.A., Formulario no. and date: 66/ No date, interviewed Switzerland: 13 01 44

195964 L/Cpl Venter A., S.A.P., Formulario no. and date: B4564/ 14 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 15 01 44

107264 Gnr Combrinck Theodore C., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B217/ 14 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 15 01 44

112904 Rfn De La Harpe Frank, Kaff.R., Formulario no. and date: 042/062/ 15 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 15 01 44

5104142 Pte Hillier George, Hamp., Formulario no. and date: 043/059/ 15 01 44, interviewed Switzerland:1 5 01 44

142340 L/CplRovik Sigurd K., S.A.C.S., Formulario no. and date: 044/060/ 15 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 15 01 44

251980 Pte Gibbs Donald L., S.A.C.S., Formulario no. and date: 045/061/ No date, interviewed Switzerland: 15 01 44,

109301 Gnr Young Peter A.T., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B4571/ 17 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 17 01 44

226918 Pte V. Der Merwe Isak J., T.S.C., Formulario no. and date: B4572/ 17 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 17 01 44

226788 Pte Young Bruce H., Recce Bn., Formulario no. and date: B4573/ 17 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 15 01 44

179742 Lt Lewis David C.G., Buffs, Formulario no. and date: 1601/ 17 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 18 01 44

130144 A/Ft. Lt. Ferguson R. Denis, R.A.F.V.R., Formulario no. and date: B4422/ 19/21 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 23 01 44

1127928 L/Bdr Hyde Alfred, R.A., Formulario no. and date: B714/ 20 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 20 01 44,

5502875 Pte Keates George H., Hamp., Formulario no. and date: B715/ 20 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 20 01 44

5499773 L/Cpl Hurford Edward C. , Hamp., Formulario no. and date: B716/ 20 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 20 01 44

4342276 Sgt Storey Robert Y., E. York., Formulario no. and date: B1302/ 21 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 27 01 44

953825 Gnr Wyatt Samuel, R.A., Formulario no. and date: B1304/ 21 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 27 01 44

107433 Cpl Park Richard Brian U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: B718/ 25 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 25 01 44

78812 Cpl Jones Walter H., T.S., Formulario no. and date: B719/ 25 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 25 01 44

CJX/162730 AB Howard Gordon G., Royal Navy, Formulario no. and date: B720/ 25 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 25 01 44

109280 Gnr Davies Gilbert E., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B721/ 25 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 25 01 44

917414 Gnr Capocci Joseph V. C. , R.A., Formulario no. and date: B722/ 25 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 25 01 44

893179 Gnr Downs Clifford, R.H.A., Formulario no. and date: B724/ 25 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 29 01 44

6898443 Rfn Bradd Francis, K.R.R.C., Formulario no. and date: B733/ 26 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 27 04 44

4748641 Pte Delves Alexander, Y.& L., Formulario no. and date: B734/ 26 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 26 01 44

5960131 Dvr Dorey James W., R.A.S.C., Formulario no. and date: B735/ 26 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 27 01 44

6012197 Pte Harper F. Joseph, Essex , Formulario no. and date: B736/ 26 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 27 01 44

5828878 Dvr Fisk Cecil T., R.E., Formulario no. and date: B728/ 26 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 27 01 44

838153 Bdr Clark Fred, R.A., Formulario no. and date: B729/ 26 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 27 01 44

5251367 L/Sgt Phipps George H., Worc., Formulario no. and date: B730/ 26 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 27 01 44

4469489 Pte Donkin Lawrence R. , D.L.I., Formulario no. and date: B725/ 26 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 27 01 44

1092954 L/ Bdr Digweed Reginald T., R.A., Formulario no. and date: B726/ 26 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 27 01 44

2697795 Gdmn Donaldson James , S.G., Formulario no. and date: B727/ 26 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 27 01 44

4461426 Pte Taylor Norman, D.L.I., Formulario no. and date: A508/ 27 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 28 02 44

251987 Sig Rothman Loftus G., S.A.C.S., Formulario no. and date: A509/ 28 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 28 01 44

2695375 L/Cpl Paton Thomas T., S.G., Formulario no. and date: A510/ 27 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 28 01 44

847617 Bdr Hawkes William, R.A., Formulario no. and date: A512/ 27 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 28 01 44

876359 Dvr Williams William J., R.A.S.C., Formulario no. and date: A513/ 27 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 29 01 44

289586 Sig Meneke Clifford B., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B901/ 27 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 29 01 44

17846 Pte Heyburgh Sydney R., U.M.R., Formulario no. and date: B902/ 27 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 01 02 44

17846 Pte Heyburgh Sydney R., U.M.R., Formulario no. and date: B902/ 27 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 01 02 44

3724 Cpl Orrell Ronald J., S.A.C.S., Formulario no. and date: B904/ 27 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 29 01 44

11617 L/Cpl Ahrens Victor P., Kaff.R., Formulario no. and date: B738/ 28 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 29 01 44

105894 Gnr Currie Ronald P., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B739/ 28 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 29 01 44

79081 Cpl Sanders Frank, U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: B740/28 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 29 01 44

9778 Sig. Rothman Delville, S.A.C.S., Formulario no. and date: B4423/ 28 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 28 01 44

1134 Gnr Selwyn-Smith P., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B4424/ 28 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 29 01 44

4108 Pte Sanders Kenneth H. , U.M.R., Formulario no. and date: B4425/ 28 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 28 01 44

4116 Pte Sanders Eustace H., U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: B4426/ 28 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 28 01 44

4117 Sig Wood Jeffery V., S.A.C.S., Formulario no. and date: B4428/ 28 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 28 01 44

863160 Gnr McElhinney John G., R.A., Formulario no. and date: B1431/ 29 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 31 01 44

3658428 Pte Shone Stanley, Gn.How., Formulario no. and date: B1432/ 29 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 31 01 44

3311096 Pte McCafferty Michael, H.L.I., Formulario no. and date: B1433/ 29 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 31 01 44

842604 Gnr Morris Jack, R.A., Formulario no. and date: 068/ 31 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 10 01 443

3128970 Pte Darroch Donald, H.L.I., Formulario no. and date: 068/ 31 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 10 01 44

3447150 Pte Taylor William,, D.C.L.I., Formulario no. and date: B4429/ 31 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 02 02 44

226767 Pte Swanepoel John B., U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: B4430/ 31 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 01 02 44

242082 Pte Woeke Percy Reynold, D.E.O.R., Formulario no. and date: B4432/ 31 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 01 02 44

110604 Sig Wellbeloved Douglas A., S.A.C.S., Formulario no. and date: B4434/ 31 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 01 02 44

141852 Spr Vermeulen Gideon J., S.A.E.C., Formulario no. and date: A1103/ 31 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 02 02 44

Date not written by him.

Probably 08 02 44.

Darroch and Morris on same formulario. Date not written by them.


Border Crossing  27  January -20 February 1944

  Arrival: Canton Ticino via Bogno-Certona


14939 Gnr Duncan Ian C., S.A.A., list & dated form B903/ 27 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 30 01 44

5257272 Pte Brandrick Raymond, Worc., list & dated form B2007/ 04 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 04 02 44

6923234 Pte Button Victor John, R.Bde., list &dated form B742/ 04 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 07 02 44

1648 Gnr Carl John G.G., S.A.A., list & dated form B1648/ 09 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 07 02 44

20375 Sig Davidson Frederick, S.A.C.S., list & dated form B1649/ 09 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 10 02 431

54538 Bdr Bobbins Leonard R.L., S.A.A., list & dated form B1650/ 09 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 10 02 44

177750 Gnr Ratcliffe Bruce M., S.A.A., list & dated form B1652/ 09 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 10 02 44

3332 Cpl Stein Samuel J., S.A.C.S,. list & dated form B1651/ 09 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 10 02 44

276243 Dvr Ryan Cornelius T., 'Q' Serv., list & dated form B1669/ 18 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 20 02 44

138359 Pte Duffy Hugh F., T.S.C., list & dated form B1672/ 18 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 20 02 44

2057129 Pte Meredith John, Buffs, list & dated form B920/ 20 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 21 02 44

6285673 L/Cpl Lewer Edward, Buffs,  list & dated form B923/ 20 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 03 03 44

4755321 Pte Mizon Charles, Gn.How., list & dated form B924/ 20/1 02 44, interviewed Switzerland:21 02 44




Border Crossing not specified


192926 Pte Peverett Kenneth L., S.A.P., Formulario no. and date: B4431/ 01 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 01 02 44

251857 Sig Vogt Cyril G., S.A.C.S., Formulario no. and date: B4433/ 01 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 01 02 44

74772 Pte Segal Harold J.1, T.S.C., Formulario no. and date: B742/ None, interviewed Switzerland: 01 02 44

T/229737 Dvr Davies B. Sidney, R.A.S.C., Formulario no. and date: B2201/ 02 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 03 02 44

3864719 Pte Dean Clifford, K.O.R.R., Formulario no. and date: B2202/ 02 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 03 02 44

1083430 Gnr Jones Ronald, R.A., Formulario no. and date: 039/ 04 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 03 02 44

3912626 Pte Fever Alwin, S.W.B., Formulario no. and date: 01/ 04 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 05 02 44

T/95720 Dvr Ellis Charles H., R.A.S.C., Formulario no. and date: B212/ 04 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 04 02 44

21961 Cpl Dineen John C., S.A.C.S., Formulario no. and date: B732/ 04 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 07 06 432

1793238 Gnr Durrant Robert S., R.A., Formulario no. and date: B745/ 06 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 07 02 44

2934674 Pte Dixon James Cam. H., Formulario no. and date: B746/ 04 02 42, interviewed Switzerland: 07 02 44

525272 Pte Evans Stanley, S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B747/ 04 02 42, interviewed Switzerland: 07 02 44

6285451 Pte Hyland Wilfred R., Buffs, Formulario no. and date: B753/ 10 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 10 02 44

T/177132 L/Cpl Jeffrey Percy C. W. , R.A.S.C., Formulario no. and date: B754/ 10 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 10 02 44

6286296 Pte Cross Victor, Buffs, Formulario no. and date: B755/ 10 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 20 02 44

958840 L/Bdr Howells David J. R.A., Formulario no. and date: B756/ 10 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 10 02 44

2657764 Gdsm Smith Jack, C.G., Formulario no. and date: B757/ 10 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 11 02 44

1518906 Gnr Ryan Thomas, R.A., Formulario no. and date: B758/ 10 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 10 02 44

251599 L/Cpl Hofman Paul C., S.A.C.S., Formulario no. and date: B759/ 04 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 09 02 44

783566 Dvr Rush Walter, R.A., Formulario no. and date: B4436/ 4/5 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 04 02 44

966297 Gnr Revell J. Keith, R.A., Formulario no. and date: B4437/ 4/5 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 04 02 44

109050 Gnr Perry S. William, S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B4438/ 05 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 04 02 44

108541 Capt Carver Harold C., R.A., Formulario no. and date: B4439/ 08 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 08 02 44

90773 Capt Greenwood John, R.A., Formulario no. and date: B4440/ 08 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 08 02 44

3966447 Pte Jones Walter, Welsh, Formulario no. and date: B2205/ 10 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 10 02 43

T/121724 Dvr Young William G., R.A.S.C., Formulario no. and date: B2206/ 10 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 10 02 44

7940309 Tpr Madge Robert, R.A.C., Formulario no. and date: B2209/ 10 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 12 02 43

196372 Pte Brink Francois C., S.A.P., Formulario no. and date: B602/ 11 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 11 02 44

5613 Pte Sim Basil J., U.M.R., Formulario no. and date: B615/ 11 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 11 02 44

2930700 Pte Alexander Thomas, Cam. H., Formulario no. and date: B616/ 11 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 12 02 43

407378 Pte Hampton Stanley C., S.W.B., Formulario no. and date: B617/ 11 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 13 02 44

4348999 Sgt Kitchman Walter , Gn. How., Formulario no. and date: B618/ 11 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 11 02 44

198038 Pte Andrews George, U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: B619/ 11 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 11 02 44

977082 Gnr Beatrup George E., R.A., Formulario no. and date: B620/ 11 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 12 02 44

289536 L/Cpl Smith Morton A., S.A.C.S., Formulario no. and date: B621/ 11 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 11 02 44

T/132094 Dvr Sturgess A. George, R.A.S.C., Formulario no. and date: B610/ 11 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 11 02 44

T/113443 Dvr Merrett Walter J., R.A.S.C., Formulario no. and date: B611/ 15 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 17 02 44

7912746 Tpr Richardson Frank, R.T.R., Formulario no. and date: B612/ 15 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 16 02 44

7889278 Tpr Winterton George H., R.T.R., Formulario no. and date: B613/ 15 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 16 02 44

7907999 Tpr West Raymond C., R.A.C., Formulario no. and date: B614/ 15 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 17 02 44

36 Soldier Ramadan Regep, R. A., Formulario no. and date: B1646/ 15 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 17 02 44

6016245 pte Goff John B., Essex, Formulario no. and date: B914/ 18/20 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 20 02 44

6014902 Pte Spalding Fred. J.L., Essex , Formulario no. and date: B915/ 18/20 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 20 02 44

6025241 Pte Bird Albert T., Essex , Formulario no. and date: B916/ 18/20 02 44 44, interviewed Switzerland: 20 02 44

6016806 Cpl Wood Alec G., Essex , Formulario no. and date: B917/ 18/20 02 44 44, interviewed Switzerland: 20 02 44

5382386 Cpl Godbehere Chas. H., Essex, Formulario no. and date: B918/ 18/20 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 20 02 44

4278858 Fus Milligan Ralph P. N'd. F., Formulario no. and date: B919/ 18/20 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 20 02 44

14766 L/Bdr Botes Okker A., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B1681/ 20 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 21 03 44

223161 Pte Hatch Ivor L., D.L.I., Formulario no. and date: B622/ 21 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 21 02 44

T/194599 Dvr Dixon Joseph, R.A.S.C., Formulario no. and date: B925/ 21 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 21 02 44

3436971 L/Cpl Devlin Samuel, D.C.L.I., Formulario no. and date: B926/ 21 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 21 02 44

840885 Gnr Melarkey Thomas P. , R.A., Formulario no. and date: B4441 22 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 22 02 44

1085363 Gnr Light Sidney W., R.A., Formulario no. and date: B4442/ 22 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 22 02 44

79255 Gnr Kleudgen Peter C., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B928/ 24 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 21 03 44

145392 Pte Hollis John D., T.S., Formulario no. and date: B927/ 24 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 26 02 44

CY2021 Pte Savvidas Michael G. , R.A.S.C., Formulario no. and date: 0161/ No date, interviewed Switzerland: 22 02 44

CY15833 Pte Solomou (Profitis) C. , Pioneers, Formulario no. and date: B1921/ NF, interviewed Switzerland: 27 02 44

CY181 Dvr Georgalli Costas, R.A.S.C., Formulario no. and date: B1924/ NF, interviewed Switzerland: 22 02 44

129471 Fl/t Lt Hodge Michael V., RA.F., Formulario no. and date: B4443/ 28/02-01/03, interviewed Switzerland: 02 03 44

158264 Capt Cutler Eric S., R.A., Formulario no. and date: B4444/ 28 02 44 , interviewed Switzerland: 01 03 44

Described as Jewish.



MARCH 1944

Border Crossing not specified


5505141 L/Cpl Elliott Charles W., Sussex, Formulario no. and date: B2215/ 03-4 03 44, interviewed Switzerland: 03 03 44

2936240 Rfn Keating James, R.Bde., Formulario no. and date: B2216/ 3-5 03 44, interviewed Switzerland: 03 03 44

226982 Pte Coupe Aubrey L., T.S.C., Formulario no. and date: B761/ 03 03 44, interviewed Switzerland: 03 03 44

6150659 Pte Bushell Arthur J., E.Surr. , Formulario no. and date: B762/ 03 03 44, interviewed Switzerland: 03 03 44

109057 Gnr Pinn Gerald, S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B763/ 03/5 03 44, interviewed Switzerland: 03 03 44

NX21419 Pte Blair William, A.I.F., Formulario no. and date: B4445/ 07 03 44, interviewed Switzerland: 07 03 44

89647 L/ Bdr Johnson Beric R., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B4446/ 07 03 44, interviewed Switzerland: 17 03 44

89650 Gnr Sole Basil H. E., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B4447/ 07 03 44, interviewed Switzerland: 07 03 44

24179 Pte Ellis Jacobus J., P.S., Formulario no. and date: B4449/ 07 03 44, interviewed Switzerland: 07 03 44

9142 Rfn Van De Vyver Willem A., K.R., Formulario no. and date: B4450/ 07 03 44, interviewed Switzerland: 07 03 44

5569678 Cpl Carey James, R.A.S.C., Formulario no. and date: B4451/ 07 03 44, interviewed Switzerland: 08 03 44

3711433 Pte McLeod Osmond, K.O.R.R., Formulario no. and date: B4452/ 07 03 44, interviewed Switzerland: 07 03 44

224148 Pte Nortje Peter, Steyn, Formulario no. and date: B4454/ 12 03 44, interviewed Switzerland: 12 03 44

196565 Pte Kloppers John M., S.A.P., Formulario no. and date: B4453/ 12 03 44, interviewed Switzerland: 12 03 44

195933 Pte De Klerk Bernard B., S.A.P., Formulario no. and date: B4455/ 12 03 44, interviewed Switzerland: 12 03 44

877622 Gnr Johnson Albert, R.A., Formulario no. and date: B929/ 16 03 44, interviewed Switzerland: 17 03 44

4347497 L/Cpl Hinchcliffe Raymond, A.& S., Formulario no. and date: B931/ 16 03 44, interviewed Switzerland: 17 03 44

7911382 Tpr Kenny F. Clifford, R.T.R., Formulario no. and date: B932/ 16 03 44, interviewed Switzerland: 17 03 44

237460 Pte Brummer Cornelius J. F., S.A.P., Formulario no. and date: B4456/ 21 03 44, interviewed Switzerland: 25 03 44

198103 Cpl Vosloo Albertus J., S.A.P., Formulario no. and date: B4457/ 21 03 44, interviewed Switzerland: 21 03 44

84582 L/Cpl Mayne Frank S., U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: B4458/ 21 03 43, interviewed Switzerland: 21 03 44

195553 Cpl Burger Joseph J.N.D., S.A.P., Formulario no. and date: B4459/ 21 03 44, interviewed Switzerland: 21 03 44

142198 L/Cpl Wadge Albert J., U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: B4460/ 21 03 44, interviewed Switzerland: 21 03 44

5500080 L/Cpl Brown Sydney C., Hamp., Formulario no. and date: B4461/ 21 03 44, interviewed Switzerland: 21 03 44

142198 L/Cpl Gunning William, U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: B4460/ 21 03 44, interviewed Switzerland: 21 03 44

5500080 L/Cpl Kirkland Robert, Hamp., Formulario no. and date: B4461/ 21 03 44, interviewed Switzerland: 21 03 44

6997 Pte Young Leonard T., D.L.I., Formulario no. and date: B4464/ 21 03 44, interviewed Switzerland: 21 03 44

226729 Pte Williams Albert L., T.S.C., Formulario no. and date: B4465/ 21 03 44, interviewed Switzerland: 21 03 44

6042 Pte Brook John D., D.L.I., Formulario no. and date: B4466/ 21 03 44, interviewed Switzerland: 21 03 44

943497 Gnr Burton James D., R.A., Formulario no. and date: B4467/ 21 03 44, interviewed Switzerland: 21 03 44

143265 Bdr Kiernan A.T. Bernard S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B4468/ 21 03 44, interviewed Switzerland: 22 03 44

90117 Bdr Allan George H., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B4469/ 21 03 44, interviewed Switzerland: 21 03 44

4979798 Pte Glover Leslie P., For'sters, Formulario no. and date: B4470/ 25 03 44, interviewed Switzerland: 25 03 44

1825763 Gnr Kershaw Robert, R.A., Formulario no. and date: B4471/ 25 03 44, interviewed Switzerland: 25 03 44

196641 Pte Coetzee Dan N., S.A.P., Formulario no. and date: B4472/ 25 03 44, interviewed Switzerland: 25 03 44

1520461 Gnr Gilliver William, R.A., Formulario no. and date: B4473/ 25 03 44, interviewed Switzerland: 25 03 44

1586 Pte Chandler Robert K., U.M.R., Formulario no. and date: B4474/ 29 03 44, interviewed Switzerland: 29 03 44

T/118307 Dvr Thompson Edward, R.A.S.C., Formulario no. and date: B4475/ 29 03 44, interviewed Switzerland: 29 03 44

18825 Pte Blackwood Marcus A., 2 N.Z.E.F., Formulario no. and date: B4476/ 29 03 44, interviewed Switzerland: 29 04 44



Border Crossing not specified


T/107681 Dvr Blythe Alexander B., R.A.S.C., Formulario no. and date: B4477/ 01 04 44, interviewed Switzerland: 01 04 11

554306 Gnr Denham Frank, R.H.A., Formulario no. and date: B4478/ 01 04 44, interviewed Switzerland: 01 04 44

T/227696 Dvr Gray W.S. Henry, R.A.S.C., Formulario no. and date: B4479/ 01 04 44, interviewed Switzerland: 01 04 44

1583592 Gnr Lee Harry Sidney, R.A., Formulario no. and date: 080/ 03 04 44, interviewed Switzerland: 04 04 44

1583599 Gnr Selby Gordon I., R.A., Formulario no. and date: 0156/ 04 04 44, interviewed Switzerland: 04 04 44

299309 Pte Abrahamse Raymond G,. S.A.M.C., Formulario no. and date: B4480/ 04 04 44, interviewed Switzerland: 04 04 44

76997 Pte Le Roux Nicolaas, U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: B4481/ 04 04 44, interviewed Switzerland: 04 04 44

N41536 Capt. (F/O) Duncan William R., R.N.Z.A.F., Formulario no. and date: B2219/ 04 04 44, interviewed Switzerland: 04 04 44

CY73 Cpl Vassiliou George, R.A.S.C.,Formulario no. and date: B2221/ 04 04 44, interviewed Switzerland: 04 04 44

412009 (F/O) Short Sydney A., R.N.Z.A.F., Formulario no. and date: B2222/ 04 04 44, interviewed Switzerland: 04 04 44

Grech Antony, British citizen/ B2223

7627126 Pte Atkin Willis, R.A.O.C., Formulario no. and date: B4483/ 16 04 44, interviewed Switzerland: 15 04 44

976863 Gnr Stevens George A., R.H.A., Formulario no. and date: B4484/ 16 04 44, interviewed Switzerland: 15 04 44

203426 Cpl Batten Walter, R.A.S.C., Formulario no. and date: B4485/ 16 04 44, interviewed Switzerland: 16 04 44

22937 Maj McRae Christopher A.R., Seaf./.Cam.H., Formulario no. and date:B944/ 23 04 44, interviewed Switzerland: 26 04 44

121340 Lt Brooke Richard N., S.G., Formulario no. and date: B943/ 24 04 44, interviewed Switzerland: 24 04 44

P/15149 Maj Dodd Edward M., Worc., Formulario no. and date: B953/ 25 04 44, interviewed Switzerland: 25 04 44

88205 Pte Abrahamson, S.A.I.R. , Formulario no. and date: B954/ 29 04 44, interviewed Switzerland: 29 04 44

79210 Pte Hollidge Dennis V., T.S., Formulario no. and date: B955/ 29 04 44, interviewed Switzerland: 29 04 44

VX5592 Pte Brown George, A.I.F., Formulario no. and date: B4486/ 25 04 44, interviewed Switzerland: 24 04 44

4278695 Pte Callender William E., N'd. F., Formulario no. and date: B4487/ 25 04 44, interviewed Switzerland: 24 04 44

2657566 Gdsm Lloyd Frederick, C.G., Formulario no. and date: B4488/ 25 04 44, interviewed Switzerland: 24 04 44

11491 Pte Sanders Percival E., K.R., Formulario no. and date: B4489/ 25 04 44, interviewed Switzerland: 24 04 44

59488879 Pte Philpott Victor J,. Worc., Formulario no. and date: B4490/ 25 04 44, interviewed Switzerland: 07 04 44

CY2731 Pte Koutsoftas Tom, R.A.S.C., Formulario no. and date: B4491/ 25 04 44, interviewed Switzerland: 16 05 44

CY34 Sgt Newton Dic,k R.A.S.C., Formulario no. and date: B4492/ 25 04 44, interviewed Switzerland: 24 04 44

201038 Lt Sutcliffe Kenneth N., R.A., Formulario no. and date: B4493/ 25 04 44, interviewed Switzerland: 29 04 44

P/166167 Lt Burman John W., R.T.R., Formulario no. and date: B4495/ 29 04 44, interviewed Switzerland: 29 04 44

197992 Lt Benzie William, R.T.R. , Formulario no. and date: B4496/ 29 04 44, interviewed Switzerland: 29 04 43

217639 Cpl Secker Reginald J,. R.A.S.C., Formulario no. and date: B952/ 03 05 44, interviewed Switzerland: 04 05 44




5436241 Pte Richards Francis A., D.C.L.I., Interviewed Switzerland: 16 09 43

954064 L/Bdr Corcoran John V., R.A., Interviewed Switzerland:15 10 43

950852 Dvr Oppenheim John C., R.A. Interviewed Switzerland:15 10 1943

5486 Cpl Holding John H., U.M.R., Interviewed Switzerland:17 12 43

1844 Col Van Nierkerk Gerhardus J.W.,  U.M.R., Interviewed Switzerland:17 12 43

68256 Dvr Dallamore John, R.A.S.C., Interviewed Switzerland:22 12 43

4459261 Pte Thompson Christopher, D.L.I., Interviewed Switzerland:22 12 43

4980123 Pte Hart Herbert N., For'sters, Interviewed Switzerland:22 1243

940596 Gnr Nixon Gordon W., R.A., Interviewed Switzerland:23 12 43

4465873 Pte Shaw William, D.L.I., Interviewed Switzerland:24 12 43,

1487186 Gnr MacLean Samuel, R.A., Interviewed Switzerland:05 01 44

235803 Pte Schuster Gerald M., U.D.F., Interviewed Switzerland:06 01 44

915ì35681 Gnr Turner Richard J., R.A., Interviewed Switzerland:06 01 44

192331 Spr Harris Neville, S.A.E.C., Interviewed Switzerland:09 01 44

11603 Rfn Tayklor S. Brian, Kaff.  R., Interviewed Switzerland:11 01 44

5443999 Pte Lamb Fred, D.C.L.I., Interviewed Switzerland:27 01 44

7895891 Tpr Pearce Wilfred, R.T.R., Interviewed Switzerland:27 01 44

2325092 Sgmn Place A. Thomas, R.C.S., Interviewed Switzerland:14 02 44





No documented evidence found of final outcome


192328 L/Cpl Lavery Thomas P., S.A.E.C., Formulario no. and date: B4558/ 14 01 44

105521 Gnr Oelofsen M,. S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B4570/ 17 01 44

3314099 Sgt McGuire Andrew, R.A.F., Formulario no. and date: B710/ 14 01 44

109184 Gnr Stephenson-Brown Robert, S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B4427/ 28 01 44

7658 Sig Greet Horace R., S.A.C.S., Formulario no. and date: B7431/ 06 02 44

109001 Gnr Lowe Douglas H., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B748/ 06 02 44

7654 Cpl Elford Philip J., S.A.C.S., Formulario no. and date: B751/ 06 02 44

O-734121 McCollum Homer S. Jnr., U.S.A.A.F., Formulario no. and date: B4448/ 07 03 44

Formulario completed and signed by serviceman as if he had entered Switzerland, 

but recaptured and found in WO 392 series in one of the Stalags in

Germany or German-occupied countries


196905 Pte Heath H. Claude, S.A.P., Formulario no. and date: 077/ 07 01 44,  357 Kopernicus

187604 Pte Scott Donald H., R.A.S.C., Formulario no. and date: 077 (2)/ 07 01 44,  4B Mühlberg

192201 Cpl Black Alexander S., S.A.C.S., Formulario no. and date: B4557/ 14 01 44,  7A Moosburg

8431 Pte V. Der Watt Peter J.K., U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: B711/ 14 01 44,  7A Moosburg

2041 Gnr Van Heerden Albert G., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: 0189/ 14 01 44, 344 Lamsdorf

9776 Sig Rautenbach Jack L., S.A.C.S., Formulario no. and date: B2006/ 04 02 44,  357 Kopernicus

3700 Cpl Ridgway Colin B., U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: B750/ 06 02 44, 357 Kopernicus

4394055 Pte Dickinson Gerald, Gn.How., Formulario no. and date: 0191/ 31 03 44,  7A Moosburg

77922 Pte Schoeman M. Johannes C.M., 2 Botha , Formulario no. and date: 073/ 05 04 44,  8B Teschen

88661 Pte Gosling Harry, S.A.I.R., Formulario no. and date: 077(3)/ 22 04 44,  344 Lamsdorf

76956 L/Cpl Meyer Peter H., U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: 074/ 06 04 44,  8B Teschen

78805 Pte Hughes Harold R., T.S., Formulario no. and date: 078/ 08 04 44,  7A Moosburg

78785 Gnr Fickling Ronald C., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: 0188/ 08 04, 44 7A Moosburg

1074018 Gnr Collier Joseph, R.A., Formulario no. and date: 0190/ 08 04 44, 7A Moosburg

4272300 L/Sgt Bibby George, N'd. F., Formulario no. and date: 0192/ 08 04, 44 7A Moosburg

3320143 Pte Buffham Ronald, A.A.C., Formulario no. and date: B960/ 22 04 44, 344 Lamsdorf

4123 Pte Oscroft Geoffrey L., U.M.R., Formulario no. and date: B945/ 29 04 44, 8B Teschen

876102 Gnr Clayton Leslie, R.A., Formulario no. and date: P/67/150/ None, 7A Moosburg

CY Dvr Hati Alessandrou1 , R.A.S.C., Formulario no. and date: B1925/ None, 17A Kaisersteinbruch

1Hatsis Alexander Aristos in list.


No Formulario found, interviewed in  Switzerland on date below according to Escape & Evasion Reports ( and /or The National Archives


T/69765 Dvr Roberts Ronald, R.A.S.C., Interviewed Switzerland: 02 10 43

3314368 Pte Welsh Patrick, H.L.I., Interviewed Switzerland:02 10 43

138457 Cpl Stein I., S.A.T.C.,  Interviewed Switzerland:28 09 44

4278394 Tpr Douglass A., N'd. F., Interviewed Switzerland:12 10 43

945008 Bdr Morgan Idris, R.A., Interviewed Switzerland:13 10 43

1808776 Gnr Smith James, R.A., Interviewed Switzerland:16 10 43

25116 Maj Peile H.R., R.A., Interviewed Switzerland:11 11 43

7889463   Tpr Shaw John R.T.R., Interviewed Switzerland:14 11 43

1766446 Gnr McMahon Patrick, R.A., Interviewed Switzerland:20 11 43

5509187 Pte Crafts Richard T., Hamp.,Interviewed Switzerland: 28 11 43

5510100  Pte Hann Desmond V., Hamp., Interviewed Switzerland:28 11 43

1758116 Gnr Humphries Charles, R.A., Interviewed Switzerland:28 11 43

26897  Pte Bunn Peter T., T.S., Interviewed Switzerland:28 11 43

6402126 L/ Cpl Lulham Leslie E., R. Suss., Interviewed Switzerland:10 12 43

3710657 Pte Pleavin William J., K.O.R.R., Interviewed Switzerland:10 03 44

9459 Lt Col Middleton J. A., R.A.S.C.. Interviewed Switzerland:16 12 43


Formulario number on list, slip missing, Escape & Evasion Report present


CY 73 Cpl Vassilliou George, R.A.S.C., Formulario no. and date : B2221/ 04 04 44

2283 Pte Ali M. Kemal, R.A.S.C., Formulario no. and date : B2418/ 06 04 44

No Escape and Evasion Report but in British Army Casualty Lists 


a) Previously in Italian hands, now in a neutral  country

903855 Gnr Vine Charles R., R.A., B115 / 11 11 43, WO 417/68,  2 Nov.-29 Nov. 43

b) Previously in neutral country, now in the United Kingdom

914977 Bdr Myles J., R.A. No formulario & No date WO 417/69,  30 Nov.-28 Dec. 43

7897143 Tpr Matthews Charles A., R.T.R., Formulario no. and date: B4410/ 05 01 44, WO 417/71,  25 Jan.-21 Feb. 44

2696622 Gdsm Davidson Walter, S.G., Formulario no. and date: B2210/ 10 02 44, WO 417/74,  10 Apr.- 4 May 44

4536389 Gdsm Eager Edward O., C.G., Formulario no. and date: B4482/ 16 04 44, WO 417/84,  28 Oct.-16 nov 44

6969642 Rfn Green Henry, R. Bde., Formulario no. and date: B184/ 04 12 43, WO 417/85,  17 Nov.- 7 Dec. 44

4617508 L/Cpl James George, A.A.C., Formulario no. and date: B116/ 11 11 43, WO 417/86,  08 Dec.-30 Dec. 44

3957294 Cpl Cahill Patrick, R.A.C., Formulario no. and date: 071/0144/ 16 12 43, WO 417/86, 08 Dec.-30 Dec. 44

1971461 Lt Selby Reginald W., Beds. & Herts. , Formulario no. and date: B942/ 23 04 44, WO417/8


1WO 417/71, Ibidem. Died in Switzerland 30 04 44.


 c) Previously in Italian hands, not now Pow

14241813 Pte Betty A.J., Glos.1 No formulario & No date, WO 417/80, 16 Aug.-31 Aug. 44 

4127178 Pte Doyle T., Ches.,  0193/ No date, WO 417/85, 17 Nov.- 7 Dec. 44

2013583 Spr Hastings R.L., R. E. No formulario & No date, WO 417/86, 08 Dec.-30 Dec.

1Also no. 1 Commando

d) Previously In neutral country, now in Allied hands

2934205 Pte Campbell Joseph N., Cam. H.,  No formulario & No date,  WO 417/88, WO 417/88, 30 Jan.-27 Feb.


3314546 Pte Taylor Lawrence, H.L.I., B1434/ 29 01 44,  died in Switzerland 30 04 44.


On main list, unidentified

1237 R.S.M. Goubin Emanuel, R.A.S.C., Formulario no. and date: B1301/ 21 01 44,  Not found

Pte Smith John, Formulario no. and date: B2420/none

Di Haviland Daniel, Formulario no. and date: 0158/ 10 03 44

Young Peter A., Formulario no. and date: 0159/ 10 03 44

Fassel Don, Formulario no. and date: 0161/ 10 03 44

Speer, Formulario no. and date: None/ 03 04 44




2696622 Gdsmn Davidson Walter S., S.G., Formulario no. and date: B 2210/ 10 02 44,  Interviewed Switzerland: 11 11 43

113877 Bdr Brebner John H.N., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B4518/29 12 43, Interviewed Switzerland: 25 11 43

104532 Bdr Van Vreden Lambertus P., (Desmond Budel) S.A.A.,Formulario no. and date:  B4519/ 29 12 43, Interviewed Switzerland: 12 12 43

4349003 Pte Lee Norman, Gn.How., Formulario no. and date: B4520, 29 12 43,  Interviewed Switzerland: 01 10 43

7908683 Tpr Livesey William, R.T.R., Formulario no. and date: B4521/ 29 12 43 Interviewed Switzerland: 22 09 43

7806 Gnr Law Gordon G., S.A.A., Formulario no. and date: B4523, 29 12 43 Interviewed Switzerland: 23 11 43

108055 Gnr Ruck William O., S.A.A.,Formulario no. and date: B4524, 30 12 43 Interviewed Switzerland: 14 11 43

6826 Tpr Matthews Frank, U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: B4526/30 12 43: Interviewed Switzerland: 23 11 43

236539 Duncan John (Jimmy ) L., Formulario no. and date: U.D.F., B4527/ 30 12 43, Interviewed Switzerland: 23 10 43

16224 Tpr Haylett Charles, U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: B4528/ 30 12 43, Interviewed Switzerland: 11 11 43


15591 Hammond D.Thomas, U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: B4525/ 29 12 43 

Pte Alexander Derrick, U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: B4566/13 01 44 

Cpl George Thomas George, S.A.E.C.,Formulario no. and date:  B4569/14 01 44 

6021684 NF Berlan Wassan, Essex, Formulario no. and date: B2030/ 02 02 44 NF

612139 NF Renow W., Essex, Formulario no. and date: B2031/ 06 02 44 NF

6773 Sig Rutech Oryndoc, S.A.C.S., Formulario no. and date: B2033/ 06 02 44 NF

419432 NF Bain Illegible, Worc. , Formulario no. and date:B2034 NF



6021798 Pte Baldwin William, Essex, Formulario no. and date: B1309/25 01 44  & T/B2029 / 25 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 08 02 441

835914 L/Bdr Rickman Leonard A., R.A., Formulario no. and date: Ticino list & B921/ 20 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 21 02 442

4395836 Pte Kelly James, Gn.How., Formulario no. and date: Ticino list & B922/ 20 02 44, interviewed Switzerland: 25 02 44

5252417 Cpl Pearson George E., Worc., Formulario no. and date: B1687/25 02 44 & & B1917/04 03 44, interviewed Switzerland: 02 03 44

15591 Cpl Hammond D.Thomas , U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: B4522 & B4525/ 29 12 43, interviewed Switzerland: 14 11 43

147864 Pte Leo Ian Lancelot, U.D.F., Formulario no. and date: B4553 & 13 01 44, interviewed Switzerland: 13 01 44

B4568 14 01 44

Baldwin crossed via Ticino in February.

Kelly & Rickman crossed via Ticino in February.


Unit abbreviations


1 Comm.    1 Commandos

A.A.C.         Army Air Corps

R.A.S.C.      Royal Army Service Corps

R.A.C.         Royal Armoured Corps

R.A.            Royal Artillery

R.H.A.        Royal Horse Artillery

R.E.            Royal Engineers

R.C.S.         Royal Corps of Signals

R.E.M.E.     Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers

R.A.M.C.    Royal Army Medical Corps

R.A.O.C.     Royal Army Ordnance Corps

Beds.& Herts.     Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Regiment

Buffs         Buffs

Cam. H.     Queens Own Cameron Highlanders

Ches.         Cheshire Regiment

C.G.           Coldstream Guards

C.M.P.       Corps of Military Police

D.C.L.I.      The Duke of Cornwalls Light Infantry

D.L.I.         Durham Light Infantry

E. Surr.     East Surrey Regiment

Essex        Essex Regiment

E. York.     East Yorkshire Regiment

For'ters     Sherwood Foresters

Gn. How.   Green Howards

Hamp.       Hampshire Regiment

H.L.I.         Highland Light Infantry

Innis.F.     Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers

K.O.R.R.    King's Own Royal Regiment

K.R.R.C.    King's Royal Rifle Corps

Leic.         Leicester Regiment

L.I.R.        London Irish Rifles

N'd F.       Northumberland Fusiliers

North'n   R. Northamptonshire Regiment

R.A.F.       Royal Air Force

R.A.Ch.D. Royal Army Chaplains' Department

R.A.O.C.   Royal Army Ordnance Corps

R.N.          Royal Navy

R.T.R.       Royal Tank Regiment

R.W.K.      Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment

S.G.         Scots Guards

S. Staffs   South Staffordshire Regiment

S.W.B.      South Wales Borderers

W. York.   West Yorkshire Regiment

Worc.       Worcestershire Regiment



A.C.R.      Armoured Car Regiment

Botha      Botha Regiment

C.T.H.      Cape Town Highlanders

D.M.R.     Die Middelandse REgiment

D.E.O.R.   Duke Of Edinburgh's Own Rifles

D.L.I.        Durban Light Infantry

Kaff. R.     Kaffrarian Rifles

'Q' Serv    'Q' Services

S.A.A.       South African Artillery

S.A.C.S.    South African Corps of Signals

S.A.E.C.    South African Engineer Corps

S.A.A.C.     South African Armoured Corps

S.A.I.R.     South African Rifles

S.A.M.C.    South African Medical Corps

S.A.P.        South African Police

S.A.T.C.     South African Tank Corps

P.S.           President Steyn Regiment

T.S.C.        Technical Service Corps

T.S.            Transvaal Scottish

Tech.S.     Technical Support

U.D.F.       Union Defence Force

U.M.R.      Umvoti Mounted Rifles



A.I.F.         Australian Imperial Force

A.S.C.        Australian Service Corps



2 N.Z.E.F.   2 New Zealand Expeditionary Force

R.N.Z.A.F.   Royal New Zealand Air Force



U.S.A.A.F.    United States Army Air Force



1 Lt First Lieutenant

A.C.1 Aircraftman

A/Cpl Acting Corporal

A/Ft. Lt Acting Flight Lieutenant

Bdr Bombardier

Capt Captain

Cpl Corporal

Dmr Drummer

Dvr Driver

Fus Fusilier

Gdsm Guardsman

Gnr Gunner

L/Bdr Lance Bombardier

L/Cpl Lance Corporal

L/Sgt Lance Sergeant

Maj Maj

Pte Private

QMS Quartermaster

Rfn Rifleman

SAP Military policeman

Sig Signaller (S.aA.)

Sgmn Signalman

Spr Sapper

Sq/L Squadron Leader

Tpr Trooper

T/Sgt Technical Sergeant



O7B Eichstaett

4B Mühlberg (Elbe)

4C Wistritz bei Teplitz

4D Torgau

4DZ Annaburg

4F Hartmannsdorf

4G Oschatz

7A Moosburg

7B Memmingen

8B Teschen

8C Sagan

11A Altengrabau

11B Fallingbostel

13 Hammelburg/Mainfranken

17A Kaisersteinbruch

18A Wolfsberg

344 Lamsdorf

357 Kopernikus

Janet Kinrade Dethick February 2022

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